The conscientious sustainability drive at CBH encompasses environmental impact, quality management, health and safety, risk management, resource management (water, fuels, electricity), as well as the social and ethics elements of BEE, employment equity, skills development, industrial relations, the five UN principles and stakeholder interest.
An annual work plan integrates various initiatives and compliance actions on all the above elements of sustainability. Furthermore, a Sustainability, Social & Ethics Committee meets biannually as determined by the Companies Act. Feedback and decisions are then cascaded to the CBH Board, via the audit committee, to ensure that the sustainability drive is adopted by CBH within its corporate culture.
Corporate Social Responsibility
In addition to its normal business, CBH enables various opportunities to benefit and uplift communities and small development players within the poultry industry in South Africa and the rest of Africa.
In Zambia, CBH procures maize and soya from local small-scale farmers, including them into mainstream poultry. Similarly, in Tete Province in northern Mozambique, small farmers grow maize for CBH on a rotational crop basis.
On home territory in South Africa, CBH supports transformation and job creation by providing opportunities for people to raise broilers on contract, and to trade in depleted parent stock. Internships and learnership programmes are rolled out to develop skills and provide training opportunities for first-time job seekers.
The abattoirs in Botshabelo and Tigane are at the heart of these two communities, as the biggest employer in each area and benefiting the entire community via various upliftment initiatives. CBH is also a proud and active member of both the South African Poultry Association (SAPA) as well as the Animal Feed Manufacturer’s Association (AFMA) and adheres to these bodies’ codes of conduct in terms of quality, animal welfare and environmental awareness. From 2013 to 2016, CBH personnel chaired both SAPA and AFMA.